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Culture - Barichara / San Gil / Curiti

Barichara / San Gil / Curiti

While the Eje Cafetero is known for its quantity production, Santander is known for its high quality, especially the organic coffees. The tour will take place in one of the coffee haciendas of the zones that are nationally and internationally recognized because the crops in some of the haciendas are under shade and the protection of the environment is highlighted.

Once at the hacienda you will have time to enjoy the picturesque scenery of the guest house. The tour begins with a tour through the coffee fields where the crops and production processes are explained. After this tour you will be able to attend a preparation and tasting of a good cup of coffee, which fascinates most travelers due to the different qualities of coffee.






Tour includes:

  • Private transport to Barichara, San Gil and Curiti approx. 3 hours from Bucaramanga 
    • A group of 1 - 3 persons in a car or small-size SUV
    • A group of 3+ in a larger vehicle usually with a separate driver (if a group of 4 prefers a larger vehicle due to an excess of luggage, they will have to pay the price per person that a group of 3 pays per person)
  • Walking tour in Barichara, entrances included
  • Paper processing experience
  • Entrance and tour in the historical museum in la Casa de la Cultura
  • Lunch included in Barichara
  • Hike along the San Gil and Curiti 
  • English or Spanish speaking accompaniment
  • Travel insurance


Additional information:

  • Recommendations: bring sunscreen, comfortable shoes, a thin sweatshirt, hat, bottle of water
  • Meeting point: If your accommodation is located in the city of Bucaramanga, we will pick you up and give you a ride back without any additional cost.
  • Schedule: It is recommended to start the day trip at 7 am leaving to Barichara. However, if you wish to start the tour earlier or later, we will be flexible and adapt the tour to your desired schedule. Usually in the late afternoon/ evening we will start the ride back from El Socorro to Bucaramanga.
  • Prices are listed in the following table (valid until Dec. 31, 2024). Foreign travelers must bring their original passports.


Barichara / San Gil / Curití: Prices PER PERSON depending on the size of the travel group
Number of travelers: 10 or more 8 - 9 4 - 7 2 1
Price per person in COP: 260,000 270,000 370,000 480,000 690,000 1,310,000
Price per person in USD*: 72 75 103 133 192 364

*The prices in USD are based on our internal exchange rate of 1:3600 on July 27, 2023. The international exchange rate was at about 1:3900 on July 27, 2023. If the value of the Colombian Peso drops by 5%, the listed prices will not be valid anymore! Moreover, we do not carry any transaction costs.


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